Arctic Blue Deserts

FOSL is very pleased to announce that Arctic Blue Deserts, a book by FOSL’s founding President Steve Kasprzak, has just been published. 
This book is a valuable collection of scientific information and discussion about the impacts of northern dams and their flow regulation. Arctic Blue Deserts focuses on the mega dams of the Arctic region and how they alone have altered our climate, ocean currents, and marine ecosystems.  
This book brings a new discussion to the causes of climate change. We, of the Friends of Sebago Lake have long realized that highly flow regulated dams are destructive to the surrounding lake and downstream water continuum. This book provides the answers and much more to our questions that were ignored during the FERC relicensing about the impacts of the new Maine DEP  flow regulation plan on Sebago Lake, the Presumpscot River, the Presumpscot estuary, and Casco Bay. As Steve Kasprzak states, we can reduce fossil fuel use but if we do not take action to eliminate these heat polluting mega dams and their flow regulation, climate change in the northern hemisphere will not abate.  Hopefully, the information choking yoke by the hydro power industry on the scientific community will be lifted so a free and unbiased discussion can begin.
All local, state, and federal committees with powers to formulate strategies combatting climate change must read this book to understand the big climate picture that the human race is facing.   
Roger Wheeler
President, Friends of Sebago Lake